Tuesday, March 3, 2009

My Flavorette Drink Ever!

Lee here. Just wanted to share with the world that my favorite coffee related beverage. It would definitely be an Iced 5 pumps (which is one less pump than normal for an iced Venti at Starbucks) white mocha, 1 pump mocha latte with non-fat milk, easy ice, and with no whipped cream. The White Mocha is very sweet, but not so much of a chocolate taste; so I add a single pump of regular mocha to bring out the mocha side of the white mocha. And shouldn't mess with the nutritional facts too much, given there are still six total pumps of flavor. I would imagine that Mocha would be less in everything compared to the White Mocha.
But I'm a sweet tooth. There are all kinds of combinations that you can come up with. Tell me what you like and we can come up with a year round menu for your coffee delight! They will be Geared more towards Starbucks, because that's what I know. I'm a Starbuckian for life. But the recipes could work at all kinds of places, depending on ingredient availability.

Well, that's mine. What's yours?

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